Tuesday, April 9, 2013

top deals Tiffen 67mm Infra-Red 87 Filter

Buy Tiffen 67mm Infra-Red 87 Filter

  • For black-and-white infrared film only
  • No visible transmission
  • 67mm diameter
  • Total visible light absorption

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Various filters are used to reduce unwanted visible light. Total visible light absorption, transmitting only infrared, can be useful. Suitable for black-and-white infrared film only, the Tiffen infrared 87 filter absorbs unwanted visible light so that more of the infrared is transmitted to the camera. The filter--which is on the dark end of the infrared filter spectrum--fits on cameras with 67mm filter threads.

Used to reduce unwanted visible light. Prior testing is recommended.

Tiffen 67mm Infra-Red 87 # Where Can You Buy ?

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